Beauty Unmatched

The FaceApp has officially made me feel… well, old. I read an article a while back saying when people hit 40 is when they start to really feel a change. By all means, I was soaring along until I read another article about the FaceApp and decided to try it out.

No wonder so many people want plastic surgery! Pain in general is miserable, so no face lifts for me. True story, 42 - my face isn’t the same as when I was 26 or even 38 for that matter! Is it just me or does losing external beauty the pits. Once perky places are sorely sagging and not what they were. The tone of certain areas are well - gonsies.

Grateful my body still does the things I need it to for the time being.

Question - Would you ever go back in life, freeze yourself at a certain age?

There are certain things I regret, but overall aging has taught me many valuable lessons and I don’t intend or want to relearn/relive any of them.

The journey thus far has grown me in grace beyond measure. Gracious people - to me - have everlasting beauty. So, as external beauty slowly starts to fade, I am all for gaining more grace. May we all strive for an internal beauty that surpasses what any app can manufacture.

P.S. FaceApp manufactured my profile pic. It feels nice to have a facelift without any of the pain!